Top 3 Signs That Your Vehicle Struts Are Going Bad
The struts on your vehicle are not regularly changed out after so many years or miles. Therefore, it is up to you to make sure you are aware of the signs of trouble with your vehicle struts and scale suspensions. To help ensure you will be able to recognize the signs of strut trouble, you will want to take a few moments to review the following points.
Cupping Marks On The Tires
Take a few moments to carefully inspect the condition of your tires. When the struts are going bad, the tires can exhibit a cupping pattern in the tread. This will appear like little round spots where the tire is losing a lot of tread. It is caused due to the slight bouncing of the vehicle at certain intervals. In some cases, the uneven wear of the tread will be contained to one side of the tire. While that is sometimes a sign of an alignment problem, it is also a sign that the struts are so bad that excessive pressure is being placed on one side of the tire.
The End Of The Vehicle Takes A Nose Dive
When you hit the brakes, do you notice that the front end of your vehicle dips down towards the road? If so, then you are experiencing a problem with your struts. The same thing can happen with the rear of your vehicle. It can dip down towards the road when you hit the gas. It is important to make sure you are having this checked out as soon as possible. Otherwise, the struts can continue to get worse and you do not want the body of your vehicle actually hitting the ground as that would cause additional problems.
You Are Bouncing Around Too Much
Do you find that you feel as though your head is going to bounce off o the ceiling when you hit a bump in the road? When the struts are failing, they are not able to absorb the vibration from the bump in the road and the vehicle will then bounce really bad. This is not only irritating, but the longer you drive around like this, the worse the struts will become and it may cost you more to fix the problem.
With those three signs in mind, you should have no trouble determining whether you need to get your vehicle to a mechanic that specializes in the repair and replacement of struts.